The Founders Four - A HP Fic Last Part pg21 17/05/15 - Page 16

Posted: 9 years ago
^^Aah I thought so...
anyway take your time in commenting as I know from personal experience I hardly comment on every story i read LOL
Posted: 9 years ago
Can we get an update, Please? It's nearly 5 months now. 
Posted: 9 years ago

Hello All,


I have nothing to say but apologise for this delay... I saw that most of you have chosen option 2 where the story should go ahead after the war. I am really planning this part. But in the meantime I have written the following chapter and have almost finished the chapter after this.


The story is going very fast from now until the war is over... so please bear with me.


Furthermore, I have started a new job so I might not be able to update very quickly. But be rest assured that I will not abandon the story.


Now before I start I wanted to repeat that I do not own Harry Potter.


Before you all start cursing me for the looong note here is the chapter.


Chapter 23 A trip to the Forest

Soon Salazar and his group found themselves in the same hospital wing of the Chamber of Secrets. Salazar did not allow anyone to enter his private potions chamber. He soon returned with a short list of things to get from the forest.


It turned out that Salazar was correct in his assumption that they would only require unicorn tail hair and some basic potion ingredients such as Boomslang skin, cinnamon, and porcupine quill Severus was able to supply most of them from his store, and hence the only thing required from the forest was the unicorn tail hair.


It was decided that all of them will go to the forest for that.


After walking for half an hour, Salazar, who was walking on the side, was poked in the back by something sharp.


"Greetings, Eldest One" Salazar said turning around.


Hearing Salazar speak, the others too turned around and were left speechless at the sight of a pure silver unicorn, looking at Salazar with eyes full of wisdom.


"Greetings, Serpent King! Welcome to this new time. I can sense that you are seeking us, how can I help you"


As the unicorn spoke in a soft musical voice, the group from the present was stunned. They had never seen a unicorn coming so close to a male, let alone hear a unicorn speak to a human. Unicorns were known to be shy of humans and more so of males.


But they were brought back from their thoughts by Salazar's voice.


"I salute your ability to sense these sorts of things. It feels great to be able to talk to you once more, Eldest One. Are the other Elders well?"


"Yes, Serpent King, the Elders and our generations have flourished in the forest you provided for us, and we will always be grateful to you for that."


"It was only my duty, but I am humbled by your kindness nevertheless. You must know that an evil wizard has risen in recent times"


"Yes, we are aware of that, Serpent King."


"We are planning to destroy him, to restore peace in the world, but we need your help to do so. We are here to seek your aid, Eldest One"


"We are always ready to help you, Serpent King. Tell us, what would you require for your latest potion?"


"We require but a solitary hair from your tail."


The Unicorn nodded and turning around, allowed Salazar to pluck a single strand of hair from its tail.


"May this strand bear its share of the burden to slay the monster that roams freely on these lands." It intoned solemnly.


"Thank you, Eldest One. Do give my warmest regards to everyone."


"Sure, Serpent King, May the world not misunderstand you or your achievements again."


Saying so the unicorn disappeared faster than the speed of light, leaving behind four awestruck people


"Shall we head back to the castle now?" Salazar said as if nothing out of ordinary had just happened.#

This broke his companions' stupor.

"I never knew that Unicorns spoke English" Lily said timidly as they followed Salazar through the forest. They were stopping every few moments, so that either Salazar or Helga could collect some or other plant.

"Unicorns are very wise creatures; they understand any language and can respond accordingly. However, they do not exhibit this ability to anyone who they deem untrustworthy. They have excellent sense. They can see anyone's aura and can know the character of any that they encounter. This is the reason they are considered to be epitome of purity, as they will run away from anyone they deem is evil." Salazar explained

"Then how come that unicorn was talking to you? You are known as one of the darkest wizard in history." James asked tactlessly, earning himself sharp glares from his wife, two friends and Helga.

However, Salazar stopped looking at a plant, and slowly stood straight and looked at James, before speaking in a soft voice that sent chills down everyone's spines.

"History is always written by the victors, Mr Potter. Hence it is of paramount importance to keep an open mind whilst interpreting history. I realise that it is not always possible, but can you tell me what atrocities have I done for you to hate me? Except for burning the whole village. You know the real reason why I did that now. What else?"

When everyone seemed puzzled he continued

"One should never form an opinion on a person just based on books from single author. Always look for multiple opinions and see if you find what exactly that person has done to deserve such hatred. If you cannot find many concrete examples, than that will mean that the authors who called that person evil is not very reliable source. In this time, a practitioner of dark arts is automatically assumed to be dark or in other words evil. Can you tell me what the definition of dark arts is?"

By now everyone had stopped walking and was listening to Salazar with rapt attention. The fact that Salazar referred to James as Mr. Potter' was not missed by anyone.

When Salazar did not get any response from anyone around him he continued.

"The truth is that during my time there was no such thing as Dark Arts' or Dark Wizard'. However we had what was called forbidden arts. This included any form of magic where the main intent is to harm or control another being. However, as time passed by a new term developed called Dark Arts. Dark Arts now include any form of blood magic; any ritual and any form of magic that with intention to hurt others. This gave birth to grey magic or what it is now known as borderline dark arts. This includes any form of magic, which requires emotion to make it work."

Salazar look around to others before continuing

"Now Mr Potter, if I had given up blood magic or ritualistic magic, Mr Black would not be alive. So how was that practice evil? Why do you hate that branch of magic? The truth is there are very few spells that were actually created to hurt others. Most of the branches of magic can be used for both good and evil purposes. For example, the cutting curse that is used in battles to incapacitate the opponent can also be used domestically to cut hard meat when simple cutting curse is not effective. I am not justifying the invention of unforgiveable curses or other similar curses. In fact I do not know who invented then and why."

"I know how to do the forbidden rituals, but I never harmed anyone by it. The only time I have used those forbidden spells is to confuse the other person whilst we can escape a dangerous situation. Hence I will not deny that I can use them. Now coming to your question of how can the unicorn trust me if I use the so called dark arts. Well as I just explained there is a difference between using the dark spells and using it to harm someone. This small difference is what differentiates an evil person from a person with a good heart. This is the difference that humans are mostly unable to identify."

Saying so Salazar started to walk ahead, with others following his trail.

"People always fear what they cannot understand. This fear causes them to react in ways they normally never would. Muggles are the best example of this. Normally a muggle would not harm another muggle without any reason, but if they think that he/she is a person practicing magic, they will automatically go against that person and try to kill them. They would not stop to think that maybe that person is not harming anyone by practicing magic. For the muggles, just the fact that they are using magic and hence might be capable enough to harm them is enough proof. Magic users everywhere are against muggles for the very same reason; we have laws to keep our world a secret from muggles. But aren't we doing the same thing? We are banishing users of a branch of magic that is so powerful that not everyone is capable of using it. We have labelled it as dark arts, or forbidden arts. By doing this we have shunned a certain part of the community. Just the fact that they are capable of using the dark arts makes us hate them. We close our eyes to any good deed that they might have done. This is the fear, the fear of the unknown."

After pausing for a few moments they were about to exit the forest, when Salazar turned back and looked at James

"Mr. Potter, I know that you are not a bad person. I know that you have the ability to look beyond the common beliefs of the Wizarding World. I understand your prejudice against the name of Slytherin. However I do wish that you would look beyond the common prejudice in this case as well. Open your eyes, Mr. Potter. You might be surprised at what you see. Little Harry was killed by Voldemort, yes Voldemort was in Slytherin house, and most of his followers do come from there. That does not mean that any other houses have not produced death eaters. I do believe Mr. Pettigrew was a Gryffindor. It is not our house, but our choices that defines who we are."

He then looked at Sirius before continuing

"Professor Black, I know your history and your reasons to hate anything with the name of Slytherin. But do not forget that the same Slytherin house produced Andromeda Black and your uncle Alphard. We all have got a dark and light side to us, Mr Black. It is our choice that defines who we will truly become. Think about it."

Salazar walked off towards the castle and was quickly followed by Helga.

Remus took that moment to speak up. "James, Sirius, he is right." He said quietly. "You gave me a chance to prove myself even though most of the wizarding population would turn their back on me once they realised that I was a werewolf. But you looked at the person behind the werewolf and made an effort to know me. Salazar has proved that he is not evil. When he realised that we were in danger he rushed to help us without any back up. He was outnumbered and he knew that. But he still came. Not only that, to save Sirius, he was willing to suffer with that deadly curse. The other supposedly light founders were against him. But he did that." Remus looked at both of them disappointed

"I agree with Remus," Lily said passionately. "You two were ready to defend him against the Minister of Magic, when you did not know his identity in this life. So what happened now? You were ready to accept him as Salazar Slytherin but not as Salazar's reincarnation Harry?!!! Harry is your son, James, and your godson, Sirius. We know that Salazar was not evil, and we know that this Harry has suffered and that our alternate selves are dead. We could not give our love to our Harry but when destiny has given us a second chance, why can't you just give it a chance? Why are you so against him? Do you realise how much this might hurt him? Hurt me?"

By the end of it, Lily was in tears.

"To be honest, I think the fear of your rejection was one of his main reasons to not tell us about his identity. The least you can do is to show him that he should not be afraid. He has been misinterpreted and shunned for no reason of his. Do not do the same." Remus said.

Lily and Remus walked towards the castle, leaving James and Sirius to their thoughts.

"What do you think Prongs?" said Sirius seemingly lost in his world.

"I think they are right, we did let our prejudice rule our judgement. I let my prejudice come in between me and my son. Even when I knew that as Salazar he was not evil. How could I?" James looked at Sirius with tortured eyes.

"I know what you mean mate. We have a lot to make up for. I say we start now." Replied a determined Sirius.

"I agree, I think we should start by apologising."

Both nodded at each other and dashed toward the castle. They found the others waiting for them just inside the main doors.

Both of them walked to Salazar.

"I do not know if you knew me in your world, or if so, how much you knew about my family. But I guess from what you told me earlier, you know most of it. Almost my entire family was in Slytherin, and were evil, so evil that any mistake was threaten to be punished by the Cruciatus Curse. When it became too much I ran away. I guess it was easier to blame the Slytherin house and hate every Slytherin, rather than accepting that only my own family was evil." Sirius chuckled darkly.

"After school, little Harry came in our lives. For me he was my son, and I had promised him that I will give him all the love I never received from my parents, that I would protect him from all the evils of this world. But when Voldemort killed him," He sighed. "I was not there. This gave me even more reason to hate Slytherins as Voldemort and most of his followers were Slytherins." Sirius looked at Salazar's eyes.

"I am sorry. Sorry for being prejudiced and not thinking. I guess I never let myself open my eyes to face the dirty truth of my family. In doing so, I have hurt many people. Destiny gave me a chance to see that not everything is bad but I was not ready to see it. You are right. It is our choices that make us who we are. We need to learn to accept the choices made by others. Learn to differentiate between wrong and right. Can you forgive this person, who probably was your godfather in another world? Can you give us a chance, Harry?" Salazar assessed Sirius for few moments before speaking.

"The Sirius of my world was the most loyal and loving person I knew. He was sent to Azkaban for a crime he did not commit. But he knew that he was innocent, and this knowledge was not a happy thought. Hence he kept holding on to this fact and was able to remain sane for twelve years. At the end of it he broke out, when he found that I might be in danger. I have not had much time with him unfortunately, but I knew him." Harry explained

"I know how hard it is to accept that your family hates you. It takes a great strength of character to accept what you just did Sirius. I think we can work on this relationship." He gave him a small smile and gave Sirius a warm manly hug.

Just as he was coming out of it, James spoke.

"I lost a lot of people to death eaters: My grandparents, parents, my uncle and his family, and finally Harry, my only son. My grandparents died when I was very young. And I guess when I heard my father say that all those death eaters were in Slytherin, my mind translated Slytherin to death eaters." James paused to control his emotions

"I know this is not a good reason to hate a house. It is not right to generalise. But I guess Sirius is right, it was easier to put the blame on any Slytherin, and be wary of them rather than trusting them and being betrayed. I won't apologise for my behaviour, as I think what I did is not worth forgiveness. But I want to thank you for making me face the truth. I needed that reality check. I really do hope that you can give me a chance to rectify my mistake and also to know the person who could be my son."

Salazar took a deep breath and replied. "Hate is a very powerful emotion; it harms us more than others. Nevertheless, it is a very addictive emotion. I am glad you realised that hating someone is not a solution to any problem. i really do hope we can get to know each other, as I never had a chance to know my father."

They smiled and shook their hands.

After a moment of awkward silence, Helga spoke.

"Sal, I think you forgot one key thing. Before the attack, you will need to take charge of Hogwarts, and recharge the wards."

However, before anyone could say anything else, a Patronus materialised and spoke in Rowena's voice.

"Sal!! Where are you? Come to the planning room before starting with your potion as you will need to recharge the wards before doing anything reckless."

"I guess Rowena too realised the same thing as you my dear. Now before she comes here herself, we should go." Salazar said amusingly.

Everyone chuckled at this, and left for the planning room.


Just as they appeared, Rowena threw herself on Salazar.

"Thank goodness you are here. Godric just would not listen to me when I said that it was important for you to take charge of the castle once again, before starting with the potion. He wouldn't even let me explain it to the Headmaster, and kept on interrupting. He..."

"Calm down Row, you know how Ric is. Take a deep breath and relax."

At these words, Rowena visibly calmed down.

"Headmaster, I need to talk to you about the wards of the castle. I understand that as the headmaster of the school, you are in charge of the wards? Is that correct?"

"Yes, Lord Slytherin. From what I gathered, I would need to transfer the control over to you, so that you can recharge the wards. However, I was under the impression that the transfer was only possible if a headmaster abandons his post or he dies."

"That is true when transferring the control of the wards between Headmasters. However, here you are transferring the control of the wards to the owner of the land. Hence you only need to be willing to give the permission. Then I can take it from you."

"In that case, Lord Slytherin, you have my permission to take control of the wards."

"I Harry Potter, reincarnation of Salazar Slytherin, the original lord of land of Hogwarts, hereby take back the full control of the wards of castle and the entire land that was once under the Slytherin family."

As he finished saying this, there was a thin golden light coming from Dumbledore and going into Salazar's chest. After that for a few moments Salazar was surrounded by white light.

Once the light subsidised, Salazar moved to a wall and pressed his right palm on it and closed his eyes. After sometime, it felt as if the entire castle had come to life.   


After taking charge of the wards, Salazar had left to recharge them.

In the meanwhile the remaining founders gave the newcomers an overview of the plan and showed the map.

"This is the map of Hogwarts. From this room and from the Gryffindor tower we can monitor this. This will tell us where our enemies are currently located. As you all know, the castle has the lake on its eastern side. As this area is also under the Hogwarts ground, this water mass is so large that it is impossible to cross it without boats. There is no magic that can be used to cross this. This includes but is not limited to brooms of flying in Animagus forms." Godric took a pause in his explanation to see if anyone had any questions.

" The South and West area is covered by forest. This leaves us with North. We have a perfect bird's eye view of these areas from Gryffindor tower. This is where we will be when the death eater army attacks."

There was another short pause but no questions were asked. So Godric continued in his explanation.

"There is a possibility that we might not even need to step foot on the grounds and can still win the war. Between Rowena, Helga and myself we can hold an army of any size at the gates of Hogwarts from Gryffindor Tower. However, this is where Salazar's protection comes in. Salazar has ensured us that if anyone managed to breach our wards and entered beyond the gates of Hogwarts, he will manage them. We do not know what his protections are but if that happens then it will be his responsibility. He cannot even tell you as that is the secret only for the lord of the land." Godric finished with a sigh.

"Lord Gryffindor, can I ask a question?" asked Remus.

"Of course"

"If I remember my history correctly then, Hogwarts was attacked during the time of founders. So surely you would have seen Lord Slytherin's protections at that time."

The question was directed to Godric but looking at the sad face of him, it was Rowena who answered the question.

"You remember your history correctly Mr Lupin."

"Please call me Remus"

"Ok Remus, there was indeed an attack on Hogwarts and it was from this area."

As Rowena paused seemingly lost in the painful memory, Lily asked

"Lady Ravenclaw? I tried looking for the details of this war but the attackers were not named in any books. It is generally assumed that it was a student of Merlin. I think she was called Lady Morgan, who attacked. The reason given is that after this war it was this Lady Morgan, who invented the three unforgiveable curses and many other dark curses and hexes."

"I think we are getting ahead of ourselves. As I was saying there was indeed an attack on Hogwarts from this area. As Godric mentioned we managed to stop the army of millions. At that time Salazar was not in the castle. Between the three of us, we managed to take out three quarters of the army before they reached the castle gates. After that the three of us along with the other teachers of Hogwarts, went to the grounds and were able to stop the attack. Unfortunately this army consisted of our past students and their parents. Parents of the Muggleborns to be honest. We realised what Salazar was telling us. But it was too ... Too late" Rowena trailed off with tears.

Seeing that Rowena was unable to continue, Helga continued

"The three of us had the idea that parents should be allowed to visit their children during the school term if they wish. However, Sal always told us that no matter what, muggles should not know where Hogwarts is situated. He said it could prove harmful. But we never gave that another thought. After sometime we came to an agreement neither muggle nor magical parents would be allowed to visit. But Salazar agreed to not put up a muggle repellent protection around the castle. After this war, we realised that during that time not all parents were happy to have magical children. Apparently they were convinced that with time their children's freakishness will go away. Hence they felt it was their responsibility to stop us teaching other children. Their logic was that if there was no school teaching such "freakishness" then the parents will have a chance to convince their children that there is no magic and hence the children will be able to supress it. Therefore they will be able to lead a normal life."

Helga paused with a faraway look and Rowena continued in a composed voice.

"it was a brutal battle, we lost three teachers and Ric..." she started sobbing unable to continue.

Helga took over once again after keeping a hand on Rowena's shoulder.

"Ric was our best fighter; he had been to many wars and could fight with sword and wand. He did not die during the war but was badly injured. We tried to heal him the best we could but could not stop his death."

However before Helga could continue Rowena started speaking with an angry voice. For the first time the others in the room could see why the founder of Ravenclaw house was considered to be closest to the dark wizard Slytherin.

"With Ric gone and no sign of Sal, I knew I had to protect Hogwarts. The first protection I put on was the muggle repellent charms that Salazar was so insistent we put. We had since added lot more protections to the castle. But I was not satisfied. Hence I went back to the drawing desk so to speak. I used the knowledge I had received from Sal. He had taught me how to create spells. So I put my entire anger, my will to protect and my will to hurt the people who tried to hurt my dear ones. I wanted to instil such a fear in the minds of everyone that no one would dare to look at Hogwarts again. Some of the spells I created are still used now. In fact three of them are now called the unforgiveable curses. Many of the others are banned and branded as dark arts."

She looked at everyone and found their faces showed a mixture of shock and horror.

"I knew that if I wanted to keep a hold of Hogwarts I would need to keep a clean image. So I went out as a defender of Hogwarts under disguise. I had created spells to copy the Metamorphmagus ability, also the spells to enable me to be invisible. With the help of these I created an identity of Lady Morgan. From what you told me now, it seems that I was successful in in concealing my real identity; and no one could relate Lady Morgan to me."

There was complete silence after this as everyone digested this fact.

This silence was broken by a familiar looking Patronus from Salazar asking them to come to the chambers.

This reminded everyone that there was a war coming up and that they had to prepare for it.


Edited by pari0706 - 9 years ago
Posted: 9 years ago
part 23
nice part...
cont soon...
Posted: 9 years ago
😊nice story
continue soon
Posted: 8 years ago

Chapter 24 - The War

Surprise Surprise! Yes you have read it right, here is the last chapter of this story. I had written most of this chapter earlier on but had decided to complete writing all my ideas and only then to post another chapter. However for months now I have been struggling to get some time to write it.

Hence I have decided to end this story at this chapter. I will look at how the dimension travellers settle in this new world and if they are going back in a sequel. However I want to finish writing the sequel before posting it so do not expect it anytime soon.

One last thing - I do not own Harry Potter - we need to thank J.K Rowling for this amazing gift to us

Now before anyone hits me ... please find the chapter below.


As Albus came out of his Pensieve, he briefly remembered how everyone had gone to the potions lab down in the Slytherin chambers. Salazar had informed them that the wards did not need too much attention and hence he had been able to retrieve the Horcrux.

They all watched as the Horcrux was dropped into the potion and heard a terrible scream as the part of the soul inside moved on along with other parts.

Now was the time to wait for the war to begin.

Albus had tried to contact the Ministry of Magic to inform them of the upcoming war, but had not been able to get through. A few moments later he had received a Patronus message from Amelia, informing them that everyone in the Ministry had been trapped inside the building by some sort of curse. Experts were trying to find a way around it but so far all they could find was that there was no way to communicate with the outside world (except Patronus messages) and the curse had a time limit on. Hence they can only leave the building once the time limit was up, or if the person who cursed the building decided to take it off.

This made the war seem more real to everyone, and hence despite of the Founder's reassurance that no assistance was required; Albus had called all remaining members of the Order of the Phoenix and the residents of Hogsmead village to have some back up.

However, not all members of the Order were lucky enough to come in, as Voldemort had cast a similar curse on Hogwarts to ensure that no one inside the school could escape.

After ensuring that all the students were safely inside the common rooms, the teachers and the members of the order of the phoenix had assembled in the great hall.

"Thank you Headmaster. Thank you for your thought to help us in this battle to defend Hogwarts; and also for asking your friends to come and join us for this. A very warm welcome to Hogwarts. I am glad that there are members of this community who are willing to help guard this castle if necessary. However, today, it will not be needed. But you are welcome to watch." Salazar addressed the assembled crowd.

However before anyone could say anything, Sirius Black shocked everyone.

"I don't understand, do you mean to say that you don't want us to help in this war? But we can't let you go in this war alone!"

Almost everyone who didn't know the truth of the dimension travellers was shocked to see Sirius so concerned about Salazar Slytherin. On the other hand there was a soft smile on the people who knew the truth.

Even Salazar gave a small smile to Sirius before replying

"Thank you Professor Black, for your support. But, as we mentioned earlier, as long as the four of us are within Hogwarts; no harm can befall the school."

"Professor Black do not worry at all, this war is nothing for us. As long as we have Sal on our side, nothing can ever happen to Hogwarts. Sal is the Lord of this Land; and as the lord of land, he can do things we cannot even imagine." Godric assured everyone.

Most of the order members who had not met the founders before were shocked to see the relationship and trust between the two supposed rivals.

"I agree with Ric. Sal, I think we should check the surrounding area." Smiled Rowena

Salazar nodded in agreement before tapping a portrait. Instantly the portrait showed an area that was outside the boundaries of Hogsmeade. There was no activity there but they could see some movement in the distance.

"So they are trying to get inside our wards Sal." Helga assessed.

"It certainly seems so. I think it's time to activate the next set of wards Sal." Godric supplied


Salazar tucked his wand in and took out a small dagger. After that he made a small cut on his palm and pressed it to the wall near the portrait.

"War is near, Hogwarts is under attack. A full lockdown please"

After that he opened his eyes and pressed the flat part of his blade to the cut. This healed the cut instantly.

As soon as he did that, around the entire castle a shudder was felt and heavy metal bars covered the windows and doors around the castle. The outer boundaries were suddenly covered with wires. The death eaters who were trying to get inside were thrown back as if electrocuted. The nearest ones died instantly and the rest were knocked unconscious.

In the Great Hall, the occupants saw all this in various portraits. Everyone was happy with the results.

"Sal, did you just add some new wards?" Helga asked

"Yes dear, I thought that the new times deserve some new wards. The wires are now powered with something that makes the person feel like they are experiencing 700 watt shocks." Salazar smirked

"Well done Sal." Rowena exclaimed with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

"Yea mate, knew I liked you for a reason." Godric patted Salazar's back.

"We should head to the Gryffindor tower. Shesha and Serpa are already waiting for our orders to attack. They told me they were able to get the support from some of the creatures of the forest. If anyone was stupid enough to try entering from the forest they will be killed within seconds." Salazar explained and started to walk out of the Great Hall.

"Excellent, lets show them what happens if you attack Hogwarts when all of us are here." Said Godric as he followed Salazar with a spring in his steps.

Everyone else followed them, whilst Rowena and Helga followed them with others at a slower pace. On the way to the tower, they explained others that Serpa was Salazar's familiar snake. Hence the two shared a telepathic link.

After reaching the top of Gryffindor tower, the crowd saw that just beyond Hogsmeade, there was a massive army. Rowena and Helga explained to others that the army is standing just outside the traditional boundary of Hogwarts. Hence all that area is under Salazar's control. They also told them that as soon as the lockdown was ordered the students had fallen asleep in their dormitories. It was one of the security features they built (Helga's idea).

"Lord Slytherin! You have been gravely mistaken of my intentions. I wish to fulfil your dream. You might not realise this now, but soon you will realise that Mudbloods are not pure enough to be educated in such a prestigious school. They need to be killed to protect our traditions and legacy. I am your heir and will fulfil this goal of your life. You must support me to fulfil this."

"You call yourself my Heir and claim to have the knowledge of traditions and legacy. Then you must know that to be an heir to someone, that person must declare you his or her heir. I have not declared you my heir, and now I have cast you out of the Slytherin family. Thus you can no longer call yourself my descendent as well. Furthermore, I am a founder of this prestigious school. According to me, any person born with the gift of magic must be taught and given equal place in our world. I decided to lay the foundation of this school as I wanted to protect the children born to muggles - or Muggleborns. The main purpose to build this school was to protect the muggle born children and teach them our way of life. So do not tell me those children have no right to live. According to me, only the people who threaten my Hogwarts and its students will have no right to live. Leave now, and you will be spared. But be warned, if you take one step further, I will make sure you will not live to see another day."

The newcomers, who were wary of Slytherin and his ways, were pleasantly surprised to hear this from the notorious founder.

But Voldemort was not threatened by this and ordered his followers to attack the shields as one.

As this attack started Salazar turned to his friends

"Row, Hel, Ric; can you stop them from reaching the gates? Till then I will start the ritual to protect the grounds."

"Bring it on" replied Godric whilst excitedly rubbing his hands and looking at Voldemort's army with a crazy gleam in his eyes

"With pleasure Sal" Rowena took her position near the edge of the tower

"Of course dear, we will buy you as much time as we can." Helga reassured Sal with a quick squeeze of his hands; and left to take her position next to Rowena.

Everyone looked at the three founders, as Salazar started chanting in Parseltongue.

"You go first Helga. You are the youngest. Show them what the founder of Hufflepuff house can do" Godric said whilst Rowena nodded in her acceptance.

"With pleasure."

Saying so she created a big bowl and filled it with water. After that she put her wand inside her robes.

After that she looked at the water without blinking.

Suddenly the water started moving and rushed towards Voldemort's army. On its way, the water suddenly turned into sharp objects. These sharp objects rained down the ranks of death eaters, killing them instantly.

Everyone who was watching saw that Helga controlled these weapons by her hand.

However, soon the death eaters created shields to protect themselves from the onslaught. But they were unable to save themselves from the tornado attacking them from behind. - Courtesy of Rowena.

Between the two of them, the female founders were able to decimate at least half of Voldemort's army before they were able to protect themselves safely.

However once the remaining army got over these difficulties they again started marching towards Hogwarts. This time they were stopped by a boundary formed of fire. However this was not normal fire. It was magical fire which took shapes of various creatures and showered fire on the people around.

As the onlookers on Hogwarts tower looked around, they found that it was Godric who was controlling this fire.

They were shocked by this display of elemental magic from the founders. The history records had never said this about them. However, even the newcomers quickly understood that history was not completely true.

However, the army of death eaters were not known as dark wizards for nothing. They managed to contain the fire; but not without severe damage to their ranks; but not before another quater of their ranks was killed.

By now only a quater of Voldemort's orignal army was alive. But the number was still a little more than the total Hogwarts' population.

"Sal, we have run out of our sources. It's on you now." Godric warned

After Godric's declaration, everyone looked towards Salazar.

As Dumbledore looked at Salazar, he realised why Salazar Slytherin was considered one of the most feared Dark Wizard of all times. Gone were all traces of kindness from his face. Instead it was replaced with a cold look that made him look terrifying.

However, he just looked at the approaching army without doing anything.

"Sal, do something!" Rowena exclaimed

Salazar did not respond but just closed his eyes and started chanting again and took out a small ritual dagger. He spread his arms wide and with one swing of the dagger, he drew blood from his right palm.

As he opened his eyes to look at his palm, there was no sign of any pain or discomfort. Everyone looked at his bleeding palm, with horror. They all watched as blood dropped down from the tower and fell on the grounds of Hogwarts.

As the first drop of blood touched the ground, Salazar screamed in Parseltongue again. Just as he did that the ground started to shake. Even the death eaters stop on their way to watch what is happening.

Suddenly more than a million hands shot out from the grounds of Hogwarts all around it. After a few moments the ground is surrounded by people. Each of them had different weapons and each wore a cloth around their middle with dirt all over their body.

The headmaster and teachers are stunned at this display of power. Sal shouts once again "Hogwarts is threatened, do your duty, and destroy those who wishes ill of this land."

With this all these beings ran to the boundaries and started killing the death eaters the muggle way. None of the spells used on them were making any impact. In fact a fire curse only resulted in them being multiplied.

Thus the death eaters were left with no way but to fight the muggle way. However, even this was of no use; as even if one drop of blood from these beings dropped on ground, 10 new protectors would emerge from it.

"Sal, what are these beings? I would have guessed that they are Inferi but, I can see that they are not. They are not even affected by fire. So what are they?" Godric asked

"They are not Inferi. But are beings of earth. They are guardians of this land. They are made of earth and hence cannot be burned or blasted. They are not affected by any element as they are an element themselves. Nor can any magic harm them. Even the muggle weapons are of no use; as you can see." Salazar explained.

"Interesting, so is there no way to destroy them?" Rowena looked at these beings with curiosity.

"There is only one way to destroy them" Salazar smirked

"What is that dear?" Helga asked before Godric or Rowena (who looked annoyed)

"The life force of these beings needs to be destroyed. This life force is like a channel if you like. He or she uses their life force and magic to fuel these beings. If this person or source is killed/destroyed, then all of these beings will disappear. But if not, then anything you do to them will only make them more powerful as these beings suck the power behind the spell." Salazar explained.

"So that means that if a person tries to fight with them for a long time, then eventually the person's magical core will be depleted?" Rowena asked

"Yes, and if the person is stubborn enough to still continue, than it is possible that, that person's magic is literally sucked out of them, leaving them to live their rest of the life like a Muggle."

"Sal? What happens to the life force if these beings are used for long?" Helga hesitated

"Nothing. The only person who is safe from them for the longest time is the person providing the life force. That person gives his or her blood, but after that these beings get their energies from their enemies. The more enemies they fight, the less strain is faced by the person providing the life force."

"So you mean to say that it is possible that if these beings are fought with muggle weaponry then the person channelling their life force is in danger?!" Rowena snapped

Salazar looked at her calmly and responded positively.

"SAL! How could you think of putting your life in such danger. These death eaters are using muggle weapons, which means that your life is in danger."

Godric roared

"Sal? Dear? Why?" Helga sobbed

Salazar looked at Helga and his eyes softened.

"For Hogwarts. I had to do what I can."

Helga ran in Salazar's arms and sobbed.

But everyone came out of their thoughts by Rowena's scream

"Ric! No come back!"

Everyone turned to see that Godric Gryffindor was flying on a dark cloud. He was heading straight towards the war field.

"Idiot, stupid rash Gryffindor!"

Salazar growled before flying behind Godric and disappearing half way through.

"Don't worry Row, Ric will be safe. Sal has gone behind that idiot. He won't let any harm fall on Godric." Helga consoled Rowena, whose eyes were wide as if she was reliving a nightmare.

"I know he will bring Ric back. After he comes back, please prepare a bed for Ric in your hospital wing. I have some spells I need to test, and this time I think Ric will be a perfect candidate to test them on" Rowena replied

"Oh I am sure he will enjoy them; he will also enjoy my healing." Helga Smirked

Both looked at each other and laughed.

"How can Sal even think of this crazy idea is beyond me. But not till I am alive. I couldn't save him last time but now I will kill as many of these death eaters as I can. Hel will not suffer like last time."

With that thought, Godric slipped from the top of this tower and rushed to the battle field with sword in one hand and wand in another.

He managed to kill at least twenty death eaters or more before heard some noise behind him. So he quickly killed the death eater he was duelling and turned back. He saw that at least twenty more death eaters were behind him and were aiming to kill him, but somehow they were now dead. Before he had time to think Salazar materialised near him and promptly killed a death eater.

"Do not act like an idiot, and concentrate on fighting now that you are here, you moron."

Soon, both male founders found themselves facing Bellatrix - the best fighter from Voldemort's army and the last remaining member of the inner circle. However, she was not alone. She was accompanied by Voldemort himself.

So Godric distracted Bellatrix whilst Sal engaged Voldemort.

"Greetings grandfather, I have been very eager to meet you in person. However I had not imagined this meeting to take place at a battlefield." Voldemort

"The time to talk is long gone. You have proved your point, and I have proved mine." Salazar replied before starting with offensive spells

The residents of the tower looked at the remaining two ongoing duels with apprehension. Very soon, the duel between Bellatrix and Godric was finished and the beings from Salazar had defeated all other death eaters. The creatures in the forbidden forest had also managed to defeat the small army that tried to enter via forest.

Hence from the massive army, now the only living person was Voldemort.

After intense duel Salazar was finally able to get a fatal spell on Voldemort's chest.

Everyone at the tower cheered as Voldemort lay dead on the battlefield and the beings disappeared back into the ground.

AN: This is the last chapter of this story. Until I get around to posting a sequel which will explore the new relationships of the Four Dimension travellers and the people from this world.

Will the dimension travellers find a way to get back to their world? If so do they want to go? How will the Marauders and Lily mend their relationship with Salazar aka Harry.

To know the answers wait for the sequel but looking at the amount of time it is taking me to post chapters, I want to finish writing the sequel completely and then post it. That way you will all get the chapters quickly.

To all my readers and amazing reviewers, thank you so very much for your constant support. I know I have been very bad with the updates but hopefully with my new plan the sequel will not suffer that much.

Awaiting your wonderful reviews and/or criticisms.

On a different note, if you have any scene in your mind that you want me to include in my sequel, or any ideas. Please pm me and I will do my best to include them

Edited by pari0706 - 8 years ago
Posted: 8 years ago
hey dear
yesterday just came across ur ff
and i just could not stop myself from reading all d parts at once although it was 4 in d morning..
at some points its easy to think of romantic stories and potray it 
but potraying such a concept of such famous story..and giving it such details and d way u expressed
it was so magical..i was just bowled..
i m sure if jk rowling would read dis he would make another version of harry potter
just keep d gud work
waiting to see such more concepts frm u.
Posted: 8 years ago
Originally posted by friends_4dream

hey dear
yesterday just came across ur ff
and i just could not stop myself from reading all d parts at once although it was 4 in d morning..
at some points its easy to think of romantic stories and potray it 
but potraying such a concept of such famous story..and giving it such details and d way u expressed
it was so magical..i was just bowled..
i m sure if jk rowling would read dis he would make another version of harry potter
just keep d gud work
waiting to see such more concepts frm u.

Hey thank you for your kind words really appreciate it

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